Keadilan Sosial dalam Perspektif Al-Qur’an
Al-Qur'an, Justice Education, Social JusticeAbstract
Indonesia as a multicultural and multiethnic country has ploblematics related to moral degradation in addition to Indonesian society has a non-comprehensive understanding of the relationship of religion and culture. The purpose of this study to analyze the paradigm of social education and then evaluate the theories of social education in the perspective of the Qur'an. Describes the process of infiltration of the values of the Qur'an in the model of social education and its relevance to efforts to minimize social conflict. This research is Library research literature research, explorative approach to the natural setting and interpret phenomena related to the meaning of social justice in the perspective of the Qur'an. the results showed that the Qur'an teaches social education. First, the implementation of social justice education through the concept of justice without discrimination. Second, the implementation of social justice education through inclusive education. Third, the implementation of social justice education through Gender equality education. Fourth, the implementation of social justice education through leadership. Fifth, the implementation of social justice education through the economy. The distribution of social justice education is very important. An educator must provide education regardless of the economic status of his students and their parents. Talking about distribution means we are talking about public policy revenues and expenditures.
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